Conventional Culture Media

Conventional Culture Media

Your partner for Culture Media

With 50  years of experience in the field of Microbiology, bioMérieux is committed to providing laboratories with integrated solutions from specimen collection to result print-outs.

 bioMérieux has acquired solid experience in culture media for laboratories specialising in  bacteriology given its high R&D investment policy. This ensures culture products remain innovative and performant, such as chromogenic media.

bioMérieux is therefore able to offer an extensive range of media adapted to specific requirements, which are in conformity with current rules and regulations, and also meet the strictest quality criteria.

Daily bioMérieux puts its knowledge and expertise into producing media. With bioMérieux, obtaining quality media solutions is simpler than ever before.

Click here to discover our complete culture media offer including chromogenic, conventional and specific media, blood agar, susceptibility testing and environmental control media, as well as tubes, bottles, dipslides, transport media, labware and more…

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